
Più cultura meno paura

  • Animation
  • Illustration
  • Strategy

Work ∙ Rights ∙ Welfare state

The Arci membership card becomes a statement of the association's values in a time when fear of diversity is growing in social discourse.

A manifesto card

In order to fully understand the Arci membership campaign, it is important to understand the context of Italy in 2018. The elections that year led to the formation of the first populist government in Europe. This government was conservative and anti-immigration, and it created a climate of growing tension in the country. In this context, the Arci membership card became a symbol of resistance. Joining Arci was a way to show support for the values of inclusion, diversity, and social justice. It was also a way to take a stand against the government's policies. The campaign slogan, "More culture, less fear," captures this spirit of resistance. It is a call for a more inclusive and welcoming society, based on the values of culture, solidarity, and mutual aid.

Our approach

Becoming an Arci member is not just about joining a club or organization. It is a political act that expresses one's support for the values of inclusion, diversity, and social justice. Many Arci members do not fully understand the history and founding values of the association. They may have joined for practical reasons, such as to go to a party or participate in an activity. The Arci communication strategy aims to raise awareness of the association's values. The membership card is a key part of this strategy. The card is designed to be a visual statement of Arci's values. It features ../images and slogans that promote inclusion, diversity, and social justice. The membership card is also designed to be a conversation starter. It is intended to provoke discussion about current issues and to reaffirm the importance of Arci's values.

Designer Antonello Mastrogiacomo, Marina Picari, Luca Santarelli, Matteo Testini
Typography Raleway designed by Matt McInerney, Pablo Impallari, Rodrigo Fuenzalida


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Anica Huck Catalogue
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Primo maggio